Scriptel ST1581 EasyScript SlimShield LCD Backlit Signature Capture Pad 6-Ft Cord is designed for easy disinfecting, and is compatible with Clorox Healthcare solutions.
Scriptel’s ScripTouch series electronic signature pads are all verified Citrix Ready and feature rugged construction and high reliability for frequent transactions and long lifetimes. Scriptel’s active battery-less tethered pen is proven to perform flawlessly through more than 1 million signatures. The signature sensing layer is a solid, durable, no-scratch, glass signing surface on top of the backlit LCD for great device durability. Signature quality is not affected by wear or heavy use and there are no batteries to replace.
The ScripTouch ST1581 with EasyScript device interface bring all these characteristics to the market including a backlit LCD and an ergonomic design. This signature pad exemplifies modern design requirements, including low profile height, horizontal pen tray and vertical pen mount, easy-to-use mounting holes and an ergonomic palm rest for a more comfortable signing experience. The LCD display provides immediate rendering and visual feedback to the signer avoiding the need to have an additional display for the confirmation.